Give your pet a voice

We're Tailr! 💖

Medium-sized, orange dog looking over his right shoulder and wearing a purple collar with a Tailr tag

The Tailr Tags

Our attractive, stainless steel, QR code ID tags are designed with 14K gold PVD plating to be exceptionally durable. Each ID tag comes with a digital profile for the life of your pet!

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Pick your Style

Classic Tag

Transform your pet's safety with our premium QR pet identification tag. Designed for pets of all sizes and ages, this smart pet ID tag combines modern technology with timeless style.

Shop Classic Tag

Slide-On Tag

Experience the future of pet identification with our innovative slide-on QR tag. This revolutionary design eliminates tag jingling while maintaining full functionality.

Shop Slide-On Tag

The Tailr App

Tailored Care

The QR code on the Tailr tag opens up a detailed pet personality profile that includes medical records, medication dosages, grooming preferences, personality quirks, and much more, ensuring personalized care.

Lost & Found

If your pet goes missing, the Tailr tag allows anyone who finds them to scan and access your contact info immediately. Additionally, notify all Tailr users in the vicinity and receive instant notifications about the location of the scan, enhancing the chances of a safe return.

Document Hub

The most comprehensive tool for your pet's well-being! Upload, store, and share your pet's important documents such as medical records with caretakers at no additional cost.

What Pet Parents are Saying

Your Complete Guide to Pet Dental Care
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